Albite var. Oligoclase is not in the current Franklin Mineral Species List.

 Location Found: Franklin
 Mineral Note: A variety of Albite. Removed from Franklin Mineral list in 2017
 Formula: (Na,Ca)[Al(Si,Al)Si2O8]
 Essential Elements: Aluminum, Oxygen, Silicon, Sodium
 All Elements in Formula: Aluminum, Calcium, Oxygen, Silicon, Sodium
 IMA Status:
 To find out more about this mineral at minDat's website, follow this link   Albite var. Oligoclase

Dunn, Pete J. (1995). Franklin and Sterling Hill New Jersey: the world's most magnificent mineral deposits. Franklin, NJ.: The Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society. p.511. 'Oligoclase'

Frondel, Clifford (1972). The minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, a checklist. NY.: John Willey & Sons. p.70

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