Upcoming Events

Scheduled activities of the Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society Inc. - FOMS, include meetings, field trips, and other events. Regular meetings are held on the third Saturday of March, April, May, June, September, October, and November, and generally comprise a business session followed by a lecture. FOMS meetings are open to the public and are held at 1:30 PM, usually in Kraissl Hall at the Franklin Mineral Museum, 30 Evans St., Franklin NJ (check listings for exceptions).

Most FOMS field trips are open only to FOMS members aged 13 or older.
Proper field trip gear required: hard hat, protective eyewear, gloves, sturdy shoes.
You are responsible for your own rockhounding tools.
The field trip leader has the right to reject your participation at any given time during the field trip if you are deemed
physically unable to climb hills with good balance or have been observed not adhering to safety guidelines.

For a complete set of rules and regulations follow this link FOMS Field Trip Safety Rules and Regulations

**Activities so marked are not FOMS functions, but may be of interest to its members. Fees, and memberships in other organizations, may be required. Any information in this schedule, including fees, is subject to change without notice.

Saturday, October 19, 2024  --  FOMS Field Trip / Meeting

  9:00 AM - Noon - FOMS Field Trip - Collecting at Limecrest-Braen Stone Quarry, Limecrest Road, Sparta, NJ.
Ages 18 and older. Arrive at the quarry at 8:30am to check in and sign waivers. PPE is mandatory. Hard hat, safety vest, safety glasses, safety boots (steel or composite toe) and gloves.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Future Rockhounds of America
Meet in Franklin Mineral Museum’s Kraissl Hall
Parents are welcome to sit in the meeting room
For questions please contact Mark Dahlman at: fra@fomsnj.org or 301-428-0455

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM - FOMS Meeting, Franklin Mineral Museum.
Lecture: TBD

Saturday, October 26, 2024    **

Show-Swap-Sell Session featuring fluorescent minerals only.
First United Methodist Church, 840 Trenton Road,
Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania.
9:00 am - 4:00 pm, $3 donation (children 12 and under are free).
“If your rocks don’t glow, you’re at the wrong show.”
Table space available.
For information call Lee McIlvaine at 215-713-8020
or e-mail:

Saturday, November 16, 2024  --  FOMS Field Trip / Meeting

  9:00 AM - Noon - FOMS Field Trip - Andover Mine TBD
For more information contact Stephanie Koles: stephanie.koles@gmail.com.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Future Rockhounds of America
Meet in Franklin Mineral Museum’s Kraissl Hall
Parents are welcome to sit in the meeting room
For questions please contact Mark Dahlman at: fra@fomsnj.org or 301-428-0455

1:30 PM - 3:30 PM - FOMS Meeting, Franklin Mineral Museum.
Lecture: Franklin Material, by David Wellbrock.