Become a Member
Our yearly activities consist of seven scheduled meetings and field trips. Meetings are open to the public,
and are held at 1:30 PM, usually in Kraissl Hall at the
Franklin Mineral Museum, Evans St., Franklin NJ.
Members receive our official publication, The Picking Table,
which is issued twice a year in the Spring and Fall. It features articles of interest to the mineralogical community that pertain to the Franklin-Ogdensburg area and will advise you of the dates of meetings, field trips, and
other activities of the Society. The FOMS Activities Schedule is also posted on the Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society public group on Facebook. To become a member, please fill out and print the
membership form.
THE MINERALOGY OF FRANKLIN AND OGDENSBURG NEW JERSEY (also known as The Color Book) is now available for purchase.
The cost of the book is $185 plus tax, which would make your total $197.26.
The book can be purchased at the Franklin Mineral Museum or the Sterling Hill Mining Museum.
Our Next FOMS Field Trip / Meeting: April 19, 2025
9:00 AM - Noon - FOMS Field Trip -amp;#160;Collecting at the Hamburg Mine/Lang Shaft (private property)
Meet at the Franklin Mineral Museum at 8:30 AM sharp, where participants will be escorted to the location.
Fee charged.
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Future Rockhounds of America
Meet in Franklin Mineral Museumamp;#8217;s Kraissl Hall.
Parents are welcome to attend.
For questions please contact Mark Dahlman at: or 301-428-0455
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM - FOMS Meeting,amp;#160;Franklin Mineral Museum.
For all upcoming events go to our
Events Page
Last Field Trip Report -
Collecting at the Braen Franklin Quarry, May 18, 2019
For our May dig of 2019, the club attended a field trip to Braen Stone Industries in Franklin, NJ. Finds included pyrite, fluorite, norbergite, and diopside, along with uncommon corundum and fluorescent sphalerite.
For the full report with descriptions go to our
Past Field Trips page.