Willemite in White Light

Willemite is a zinc silicate mineral (Zn2SiO4) and an ore of zinc. It occurs commonly in granular aggregates with franklinite and zincite, often in a calcite matrix. Willemite also occurs in masses, hydrothermal veins and surface coatings, and several crystal habits, such as hexagonal crystals or acicular needles. Specimens of fibrous willemite arranged in radial sprays are especially sought-after. The texture, habit, and especially the color seen in daylight can be quite varied. Willemite can appear red, brown, tan, pink, black, white, gray, blue, yellow, orange, or many shades of green in daylight. Fluorescent-mineral collectors have coined some nicknames to describe willemite colors, such as "seafoam," or “apple green.” More information and pictures can be found on our willemite mineral page.
Multi willemiteGemmy root beer and honey, light brown and green willemite
Gemmy red-orange, orange, greenish yellow, yellow and mint geen willemite, minor calcite and franklinite from Franklin NJ. 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" x 3 1/4". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Gemmy root beer and honey, light brown and green willemite, calcite, minor pink leucophoenicite and franklinite. 3 1/8" x 2 1/4" x 1 1/8" from Franklin, N.J. From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Gemmy grape, yellow, yellow green and clear willemiteGemmy sulphur yellow willemite
Gemmy grape, yellow, yellow green and clear willemite from Franklin NJ. 3 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1 5/8". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Gemmy sulphur yellow willemite from Franklin NJ. 5 3/4" x 2 3/8" x 1 7/8". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Sea Foam Willemite, Calcite, FrankliniteBlue willemite crystals, blue Magnesioriebeckite and gold lennilenapeite
Sea foam willemite, calcite and franklinite from Sterling Hill, NJ. 3 1/2" x 3 1/4" x 2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Blue willemite crystals, blue magnesioriebeckite and gold lennilenapeite from Franklin, NJ. 2 Field of view 2 1/4" x 1 1/2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Gemmy red willemite and black franklinite from Franklin NJ7up green and minor root beer willemite with franklinite
Gemmy red willemite and black franklinite from Franklin NJ. 3 1/4" x 2" x 1 1/2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Emerald green and minor root beer willemite with franklinite from Franklin, NJ. 3 1/8" x 2" x 1 1/4". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Cherty toffee brown, white and radiating willemite with minor frankliniteGemmy green, honey and amber willemite with franklinite
Cherty toffee brown, white and radiating willemite with minor franklinite from Franklin, NJ. 3 1/4" x 3" x 1 1/2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Gemmy green, honey and amber willemite with franklinite. 3 3/8 " x 2 1/2" x 2 3/8". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Root beer and honey green willemite crystals with calcite and franklinite from Franklin, NJ.Gemmy yellow willemite crystals, franklinite crystals and calcite
Root beer and honey green willemite crystals with calcite and minor franklinite from Franklin, NJ. 3 1/2" X 3 3/8" x 2 1/8". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Gemmy yellow willemite crystals, franklinite crystals and calcite from Franklin, NJ. 4 1/8" x 3 1/4" x 2 1/2". From collection of and picture by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Gemmy pumpkin to light orange willemiteApple green willemite, gemmy in areas, franklinite, from Franklin, NJ
Gemmy pumpkin to light orange willemite from Franklin NJ. 3 1/8" x 3" x 2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Apple green willemite, gemmy in areas, with franklinite from Franklin, NJ. 3 3/8" x 2 5/8" x 2 1/4" with a 1 3/8" vein. From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
White willemite crystals in dolomite, franklinite and garnet from Franklin, NJYellow willemite, gemmy in areas, red zincite and franklinite
White willemite crystals in dolomite, franklinite and garnet from Franklin, NJ. 4 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 2 5/8". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Yellow willemite, gemmy in areas, red zincite and franklinite from Franklin, NJ. 4" x 3 3/4" x 2 1/8". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Mint green willemite, pink rhodochrosite and brown garnetBlue willemite, minor light purple willemite, calcite, andradite garnet, and hendricksite mica
Mint green willemite, pink rhodochrosite and brown garnet from Franklin, NJ. 6 1/4" x 3 1/2" x 2 1/4". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Blue willemite, with minor light purple willemite, calcite (white), andradite garnet (light brown), and hendricksite mica (dark brown) from Franklin, New Jersey. 5" x 3". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Tutti Frutti (gemmy orange-red and yellow) willemite in calciteClear to beige to red willemite, gemmy in areas
Tutti Frutti (gemmy orange-red and yellow) willemite in calcite from Franklin NJ. 4 1/4" x 3" x 1 3/8". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Clear to beige to red willemite, gemmy in areas, from Franklin, NJ. 4 1/8" x 3" x 2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Gemmy lime green willemite shot ore in calcite from Franklin, NJ.Gemmy clear to orange willemite, green garnet and franklinite
Gemmy lime green willemite shot ore in calcite from Franklin, NJ. 3" x 2 1/8". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Gemmy clear to orange willemite, green garnet and franklinite from Franklin, N.J. 3 1/8" x 2 1/2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Gemmy yellow green willemite and frankliniteSea Foam willemite, calcite and franklinite
Gemmy yellow green willemite and franklinite from Franklin NJ. 2 1/8" x 2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Sea Foam willemite, calcite, sphalerite and franklinite from Sterling Hill, NJ. 2.5" x 1.5". From the collection of Zack and Ralph Bonard, photo by WP.
Light green, light orange willemite crystals, gemmy in areasClear mint geen willemite crystal on calcite, hematite
Light green, light orange willemite crystals, gemmy in areas from Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, NJ. Field of view is 3"x2". From the collection of Zack and Ralph Bonard, photo by WP.

Clear mint geen willemite crystal, 1 1/2" x 5/16" on calcite and minor hematite from Franklin NJ. From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Large red willemite crystals, calcite and minor frankliniteGemmy yellow and orange willemite
Large red willemite crystals, calcite and minor franklinite from Franklin, NJ. 10" x 8". From the collection of Zack and Ralph Bonard, photo by WP.

Gemmy yellow and orange willemite from Franklin NJ. 2 3/4" x 1 1/2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Gemmy yellow willemiteRadiating willemite
Gemmy yellow willemite from Franklin NJ. 2 1/2" x 1 1/2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.

Radiating willemite (white) with minor radiating franklinite (black) on franklin ore from Franklin, NJ. Field of view 2". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk.
Sea foam willemite crystals from Sterling Hill 
Sea foam willemite crystals from Sterling Hill, NJ. 3" x 2 1/4". From the collection of, and photo by Robert A. Boymistruk. 

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